For once my journey to Farnborough Main to catch the 9:32 am to Waterloo was delayed so much that I missed my planned train. Roadworks on the A30 had backed the traffic so much that a 30 minutes journey morphed into and hour and a quarter. I had arranged to meet my colleagues in the Leake Street tunnel before we headed off to Old Smithfields market for the Colour Walk. My idea was to be in the tunnel for an hour before we met up to give me time for some street photography as well as to take photos of the art on the day.
The tunnel is now promoted as one of the highspots for tourists visiting London and this definitely adds to the attraction for photographers.
A reminder that the tunnel used to be used for cars (or taxis?) as a shortcut from York Street. The cul-de-sac at the far end still has the road signs on the rail overpass.
These faces were amazing
Five cyclists came through:
Through the side arch:
In the large space up from the passageway to the Polish restaurants trucks were unloading equipment and the next wall was being prepped for advertising an event.
While I waited for my colleagues I walked back to far end and back out onto Leake Street itself.

And my favourite of the morning:

Then we all left the tunnel and caught the Waterloo-City Line to Bank to walk to Old Smithfields Market for September’s Colour Walk.
PS I have a dedicated Street Art feed on Instagram here.