Since our last visit to Åndalsnes there is now a cable car that runs from the dock up to the top of the nearest mountain. Our plan for the day was to ride the cable car in the morning and then to take our Saga tour in the afternoon. We had had a good night’s sleep after our busy evening looking at the Northern Lights after leaving Kristiansund.
Day 10: Monday 27th February 2023: Åndalsnes
Over breakfast we reflected on seeing the Northern Lights the night before. My breakfast was again my favourite of Eggs Benedict which was as delicious as before.

Riding the Åndalsnes cable car
We were fortunate that the cable car had been opened especially for the ship. Walking around the quay we could see a small queue of passengers outside the cable car building.
It seems that the ticket machine was causing a lot of trouble for passengers unable to follow the ‘not very clear’ directions on the screens. The cable car operator had come out of his booth and was having to guide passengers through the process. We watched what had to be pressed and when it was our turn we were able to get our tickets without any help.
There was then another queue while we waited for a gondola to arrive back down from the mountain.
We were lucky and were at the front of the car and had great views looking back on Åndalsnes . The gondola went straight up with no intermediate towers. This very disconcerting as it was very steep.
The only tower was not far from the station at the top. We had been warned about the shake that would happen as the gondola went past the tower.
The views from Nesaksla mountain
We had our first great view as we left the mountain station.
We passed a closed restaurant before we had our first views of Åndalsnes below and valleys inland.
Up the path into the snow
We had to cross a snow field on steps that alternated with ice and deep snow. Then we went up metal steps to the first viewing platform.

From theplatform there was a ramp that led up even higher to the next viewing platform. This second viewing platform had views right up the valleys looking far inland.
The next ramp was covered with snow and we had to walk carefully up the next sections. At the very top of the ramp we were above the restaurant next to a small hut. At the side of the hut, I followed a track through the deep snow and climbed up higher up the mountain. At the top of the slope with there were signs that pointed up higher the mountain and along to the mouth of the fjord.
I tried to leave the path head towards a rock outcrop. But almost immediately I was up past my knees in snow. Definitely time to go back.
The walk back down the ramps was even more precarious than coming up. The last part of the descent down the slope was particularly dodgy as by now we were contending with ice and deep snow on the steps and passengers coming up towards us.

Infra red images
Riding the Romsdalsgondolen back down to Åndalsnes
On the ride down we were on one side of the cable car . This time the car was quite full.
Once out of the cable car the rest of Åndalsnes was familiar. The exception was of course that our last visit was in Summer and the open spaces were full of tables and chairs and full of people enjoying the sunshine. We allowed ourselves one visit to the souvenir shop before we made our way back to the ship.

Back on board the ship
In the Grill I had slices of pizza for lunch plus a glass of red.